Source code for stp_core.phaseretrieval.tiehom

# (C) 2016 Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.. All rights reserved.   #
#                                                                         #
#                                                                         #
# This file is part of STP-Core, the Python core of SYRMEP Tomo Project,  #
# a software tool for the reconstruction of experimental CT datasets.     #
#                                                                         #
# STP-Core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   #
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your  #
# option) any later version.                                              #
#                                                                         #
# STP-Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or   #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License    #
# for more details.                                                       #
#                                                                         #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       #
# along with STP-Core. If not, see <>.        #
#                                                                         #

# Author: Francesco Brun
# Last modified: July, 8th 2016

from numpy import float32, complex64, arange, ComplexWarning, finfo
from numpy import copy, meshgrid, real
from numpy import pi, log as nplog, cos as npcos, sin as npsin

# (Un)comment the related lines to use either NumPY or PyFFTW:
#from numpy.fft import fft2, ifft2
from pyfftw import n_byte_align, simd_alignment
from pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft import fft2, ifft2
from numpy.fft import fftshift, ifftshift
from warnings import simplefilter

from utils.padding import upperPowerOfTwo, padImage

[docs]def tiehom_plan(im, beta, delta, energy, distance, pixsize, padding): """Pre-compute data to save time in further execution of phase_retrieval with TIE-HOM (Paganin's) algorithm. Parameters ---------- im : array_like Image data as numpy array. Only image size (shape) is actually used. beta : double Immaginary part of the complex X-ray refraction index. delta : double Decrement from unity of the complex X-ray refraction index. energy [KeV]: double Energy in KeV of the incident X-ray beam. distance [mm]: double Sample-to-detector distance in mm. pixsize [mm]: double Size in mm of the detector element. padding : bool Apply image padding to better process the boundary of the image """ # Get additional values: lam = (12.398424 * 10 ** (-7)) / energy # in mm mu = 4 * pi * beta / lam # Replicate pad image to power-of-2 dimensions: dim0_o = im.shape[0] dim1_o = im.shape[1] if (padding): n_pad0 = im.shape[0] + im.shape[0] / 2 n_pad1 = im.shape[1] + im.shape[1] / 2 else: n_pad0 = dim0_o n_pad1 = dim1_o # Set the transformed frequencies according to pixelsize: rows = n_pad0 cols = n_pad1 ulim = arange(-(cols) / 2, (cols) / 2) ulim = ulim * (2 * pi / (cols * pixsize)) vlim = arange(-(rows) / 2, (rows) / 2) vlim = vlim * (2 * pi / (rows * pixsize)) u,v = meshgrid(ulim, vlim) # Apply formula: den = 1 + distance * delta / mu * (u * u + v * v) + finfo(float32).eps # Avoids division by zero # Shift the denominator: den = fftshift(den) return {'dim0':dim0_o, 'dim1':dim1_o ,'npad0':n_pad0, 'npad1':n_pad1, 'den':den , 'mu':mu }
[docs]def tiehom(im, plan, nr_threads=2): """Process a tomographic projection image with the TIE-HOM (Paganin's) phase retrieval algorithm. Parameters ---------- im : array_like Flat corrected image data as numpy array. plan : structure Structure with pre-computed data (see tiehom_plan function). nr_threads : int Number of threads to be used in the computation of FFT by PyFFTW (default = 2). """ # Extract plan values: dim0_o = plan['dim0'] dim1_o = plan['dim1'] n_pad0 = plan['npad0'] n_pad1 = plan['npad1'] marg0 = (n_pad0 - dim0_o) / 2 marg1 = (n_pad1 - dim1_o) / 2 den = plan['den'] mu = plan['mu'] # Pad image (if required): im = padImage(im, n_pad0, n_pad1) # (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW: n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment) im = fft2(im, threads=nr_threads) # (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy: #im = fft2(im) # Apply Paganin's (pre-computed) formula: im = im / den # (Un)comment the following two lines to use PyFFTW: n_byte_align(im, simd_alignment) im = ifft2(im, threads=nr_threads) # (Un)comment the following line to use NumPy: #im = ifft2(im) im = im.astype(complex64) im = real(im) im = im.astype(float32) im = -1 / mu * nplog(im) # Return cropped output: return im[marg0:dim0_o + marg0, marg1:dim1_o + marg1]